Dilands classic watch face

by Maxim Diland



Strict minimalistic watch face for Android Wear

Strict minimalistic design in black and white makes maximally visible the watch face on your Android Wear device in any conditionsFunctions:- Time- Date- Watch batteryBug fixes

Read trusted reviews from application customers

Great watch face that isn't overloaded. Love it.

Tom Feix

Could not got installed on watch.

Régis Martínez

Classic, stylish and just what I need. What would make it perfect for me is if the second hand behaved like a Rolex.

Jamie Ives

garbage app

mahesh hemnani

Nice face

Joseph Rowe

Perfectly simple

Gary Pritchard


Chuck Kephart

I love the simplicity of this face it looks great, and my battery life is great while using it.

Donald ollom

Nice app

Harsh Rangi

Noice app

Balaji Vaibhav